Optometry Northern Ireland

Our Constitution.

The Organisation shall be known as “Optometry Northern Ireland” (ONI).
Functions of the Organisation
To co-ordinate, channel and negotiate on their behalf the collective views and interests of all primary care optometrists, dispensing opticians and optical bodies corporate as providers of eye care in Northern Ireland in order to develop and promote sustainable and effective eye care for everyone.
Registered optometrists, dispensing opticians and optical bodies corporate working in Northern Ireland.
The ONI shall be managed by a Committee comprising of the following.

Sub-committees shall be established as required. All sub-committees report to the Committee.

Composition of the Committee
  • (i) one member assigned by the Northern Ireland Optometric Society
  • (ii) one member assigned by the Federation of Ophthalmic and Dispensing Opticians
  • (iii) one member assigned by the Association of Optometrists
  • (iv) one member assigned by The College of Optometrists
  • (v) one member assigned by The Association of British Dispensing Opticians
  • (vi) one member assigned by the University of Ulster
  • (vii) the past Chair
  • (viii) eight elected representatives, ideally representing all modes of practice who may be either a dispensing optician or optometrist.

Each appointing body will be responsible for the selection and three-year review of assigned Committee members.

If an assigned member is unable to attend a meeting of Optometry Northern Ireland that member can send a substitute on behalf of their appropriate organisation. Each appointing body shall notify ONI of the name and address of its appointed representative and (if relevant) substitute.

The Committee may at its will co-opt someone with specialist knowledge to contribute towards meetings.

Elected representatives will be appointed at an Annual General Meeting and on appointment will serve a minimum term of three years.

Disqualification or Retirement of Committee Members

If an assigned member of the Committee ceases to be a member of the appointing body which they represent, they will vacate their seat on the Committee. The appointing body will be notified and it will be their responsibility to select a replacement.

If any member of Committee makes the decision to vacate their seat at any time then:

  • If an assigned position, then an individual will be selected by the appointed body;
  • If an elected position, then the position will be filled by means of co-opting a new committee member for the remainder of the term.
  • If any member of the Committee is absent from three consecutive ordinary meetings of the Committee, ONI shall declare their seat to have been vacated, unless satisfied that their absence was due to illness or other reasonable cause.
    The procedure for filling this vacancy is as outlined above.
  • If a member of the Committee brings the profession into disrepute their seat will be vacated immediately. The procedure for filling this vacancy is as outlined above.
Officers of the Committee
The Officers of the Committee shall be the Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer and these will be appointed on an annual basis by the Committee at their meeting subsequent to the Annual General Meeting.

The maximum limit on term of office for the Chair of the Committee and the Chairs of the sub committees is 2 terms of 3 years.

It is not assumed that the Vice-Chair will take on the Chair role.

Meetings - General
The Committee shall meet as required but at least four times a year including the Annual General Meeting.

The number of members on ONI that form a quorum shall be 8 Committee members.

Procedures for meeting should be adhered to.

Members of the Committee shall be given not less than two weeks’ notice of meetings.

The sub-committees shall meet as required.

Annual General Meetings
An Annual General Meeting shall be held between May and November, when the accounts shall be presented.

6 weeks’ notice of the date of the AGM shall be given along with candidate biographies in the case of elections.

The procedure for electing the 8 representatives is outlined in Appendix 1.

At all meetings a resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided by a show of hands by a majority of members present, in person and entitled to vote, unless a poll in writing be demanded by the Chair or by at least 3 committee members present, in person and entitled to vote.

Every Committee member entitled to vote shall have one vote only.

In the case of an equal number of votes for and against the motion, the Chair of the meeting shall be entitled to a casting vote.

ONI may, at its absolute discretion, invite observers to attend all or part of its meetings.
ONI have the right to form a separate legal entity if required.
The ONI may appoint salaried staff. Any such appointments shall be made by the Committee and shall be remunerated at a rate agreed annually by the Committee. Paid staff may attend meetings of Optometry Northern Ireland but shall not be a member.
The Committee shall be empowered to raise funds for its working expenses from among the members by means of a levy. The committee is empowered to seek advice and invest surplus funds.

An honorarium will be paid to the Chair of the Committee. Any employed staff will receive a salary. All such payments will be reviewed annually in March and approved by the Committee before the beginning of the next financial year.

Committee members of ONI will be financially compensated for attendance at meetings at a rate determined at the beginning of every financial year. Committee members of ONI will be reimbursed for expenses incurred.

The financial year shall be from 1 April to 31 March.

Amendment of Constitution
The Constitution of ONI shall not be amended except by a majority of the members present, voting in favour of an amendment at an AGM/EGM.

Sixty days’ notice of any proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be given to the bodies appointing the Committee members of ONI.

Dissolution of Optometry Northern Ireland
Should ONI cease to operate all remaining funds will be passed to the Northern Ireland Optometric Society or other such body representing the interests of Optometry in Northern Ireland.
Appendix 1 - Procedure for Voting
  1. Nominations for the posts of the 8 elected representatives must be submitted to ONI at least 6 weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  2. Each nomination shall have a proposer and a seconder, and will allow space for a short candidate statement.
  3. Details of nominations received shall be advised to all members of ONI at least 6
    weeks prior to the AGM. 4 If there is more than one nomination for the positions of the 8 elected representatives and/or the Chair, the Administration Officer shall prepare ballot papers for the posts showing the candidates’ names plus a voting box.
  4. In the absence of any nominations, nominations may be made at the Annual
    General Meeting.
  5. The Chair shall appoint two scrutineers to conduct the election, to count the votes and announce the result of each ballot before moving on to the next ballot.
  6. All candidates who are voted into a position at the Annual General Meeting shall assume that position immediately.
Appendix 2 - Procedure for Co-opting
  1. Nominations are put forward at a meeting.
  2. Each nomination shall have a proposer and a seconder
  3. There must be a quorum which is 8 people
  4. The vote is made by a show of hands.
  5. The vote is passed or denied.